

Board Certified Podiatrists Foot & Ankle Surgeons located in Hackettstown, NJ

Bunions services offered in Hackettstown, NJ

Bunions are one of the most common foot problems, affecting up to 30% of adults. At A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, in Hackettstown, New Jersey, board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons An Nguyen, DPM, and Anna Wojcik-Stepien, DPM, boast more than 10 years of experience diagnosing and treating bunions of various severities. After an exam, they can make personalized care recommendations. Call the office today to schedule bunion treatment, or book your appointment online.

What causes bunions?

Bunions form when the bones at the front of your foot change position because of trauma, general wear-and-tear, or how you walk. Any of these things can cause your big toe joint (the metatarsophalangeal joint) to bulge outward, resulting in swelling and pain.

Most bunions stay small and improve with conservative treatments, but if your symptoms continue for weeks or affect your mobility, it’s crucial to contact a foot and ankle specialist.

What are the symptoms of bunions?

Bunion symptoms include the following:

  • Limited big toe movement
  • Toe pain
  • Corns, calluses, or blisters on top of the big toe
  • Swelling, redness, or soreness near the big toe joint

As the bunion grows, you might notice a large, swollen bump forming on the outer edge of your big toe. 

How are bunions diagnosed?

Your A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, provider reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and looks at your big toe and big toe joint. 

Bunions are easy to spot, but your podiatrist may order in-office digital X-rays to assess the alignment of your foot bones and check for joint damage. These insights can help determine the best course of treatment.

How are bunions treated?

A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, treats bunions using a conservative and patient-oriented approach. They might recommend:

  • Wearing comfortable shoes that provide space for your toes
  • Custom orthotics
  • Bunion pads to reduce friction
  • Medications to control bunion pain
  • Ice to relieve inflammation and swelling

Often, a combination of these procedures offers lasting relief.

What if my bunion worsens after conservative treatment?

If your symptoms continue or your bunion grows, your podiatrist may recommend minimally invasive bunion surgery. Your surgeon might:

  • Fuse the joints in your big toe together
  • Straighten your big toe with rods or pins
  • Remove swollen tissue from around your big toe joint
  • Reposition the bones in your forefoot

Surgery can restore your mobility and prevent bunions from recurring.

Can bunions be prevented?

You can reduce your risk of bunions by wearing shoes that provide enough room for your toes. If your shoes squeeze your toes or place pressure on any other part of your feet, you’re more likely to experience pain, stiffness, and mobility problems. 

Call A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, today to request bunion treatment or make your appointment online.