
1st MPJ Arthritis

Board Certified Podiatrists Foot & Ankle Surgeons located in Hackettstown, NJ
1st MPJ Arthritis

1st MPJ Arthritis services offered in Hackettstown, NJ

Up to 1 in 40 people aged 50 and older have 1st MTP arthritis (also known as hallux rigidus). At A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, in Hackettstown, New Jersey, board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons An Nguyen, DPM, and Anna Wojcik-Stepien, DPM, have more than 10 years of experience diagnosing 1st MTP arthritis and counseling patients on the appropriate treatments, regardless of the arthritic stage. Call the office today to request an arthritis consultation, or book your appointment online.

What is 1st MTP arthritis?

First metatarsophalangeal (1st MTP) arthritis, or hallux rigidus, is a painful, degenerative disease that affects the big toe joint. It’s caused by general wear-and-tear, injuries, or the way you walk.

If you have pain or stiffness in one or both of your big toes, seek treatment. MTP arthritis worsens over time, but intervention can prevent further damage and restore mobility.

What are the symptoms of 1st MTP arthritis?

Symptoms of 1st MTP arthritis include the following:

  • A bump, like a bunion or a callus, on the outside edge of your big toe
  • Pain and stiffness, especially during cold or wet weather
  • A stiff or swollen big toe joint
  • Decreased range of motion

As the condition worsens, you may have difficulty standing, walking, or pushing off on your affected toe.

How is 1st MTP arthritis diagnosed?

Your A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, provider reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your big toe.

They check your joint for redness, swelling, or bruising, test how far you can bend your toe up and down, and ask you to walk around the exam room to observe your gait. They also order a series of digital X-rays to look for abnormalities, like bone spurs or bone misalignments.

How is 1st MTP arthritis treated?

A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, treats 1st MTP arthritis using a conservative and patient-centered approach. They might recommend:

  • Custom orthotics
  • Corticosteroid injections to relieve pain
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Avoiding activities that put stress on your big toe
  • Wearing comfortable shoes that provide support for your toes

Often, these treatments reduce inflammation and help restore your big toe joint’s range of motion.

What if my 1st MTP arthritis symptoms continue worsening?

Your podiatrist might recommend surgery if you continue experiencing big toe pain or stiffness, even after conservative treatment. Several procedures can relieve pain caused by 1st MTP arthritis, including:

  • Osteotomy (cutting and realigning your toe bones)
  • Interpositional arthroplasty (removing damaged bone and replacing it with a spacer)
  • Arthrodesis (fusing several bones together)
  • Cheilectomy (removing bone spurs, allowing your toe to bend)

These operative treatments are minimally invasive and provide lasting results.

Call A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, today to receive treatment for 1st MTP arthritis, or book your appointment online.